SFI is Strong Future International Marketing Group.  It was created to allow anyone with a computer and Internet access the opportunity to tap into the worldwide of e-commerce revolution. How come? Their TripleClicks online shop is source of income. That's why this is NOT a scheme, matrix, pyramid or some other scam. Also, and that's way I chose to be SFI Affiliate, SFI didn't and don't promise overnight wealth (not just another “get-rich-quick”).



Patience, dedication and sincere persistence in work will bring the results that everyone would like to achieve!!!


SFI (Strong Future International) Marketing Group is a network marketing company founded by President and CEO Gery Carson. SFI was started in 1998, with only one product servicing the United States. Over 10 years later, SFI is now a completely global business opportunity providing millions of products and services to over 190 countries.

If you’re looking to join a company with a proven and successful track record, there’s none like SFI. Both and men and women all around the world are building profitable internet businesses thanks to SFI’s unique and lucrative business model. SFI’s biggest strength is that they’re constantly evolving and growing to meet the needs of affiliates. This shows they care about their affiliates and who they represent.

With the introduction of the VersaPoints system, affiliates can join for free and earn a substantial income without investing any of their own money. This is one of the biggest differences that set SFI apart from other business opportunities. Because of this, SFI is the fastest growing company of its kind, with over 8,000 new affiliates joining every week.

SFI is also home to the famous International Association for Home Business Entrepreneurs (IAHBE). The IAHBE is a one-of-a-kind resource for aspiring internet business entrepreneurs and is a perfect compliment to the SFI program.

 After you register, pay attention to your e-mail inbox. You'll get my Welcome e-mail with instruction for start and access to all marketing tools and techniques one serious internet business has to have. Also, there are 30 Internet marketing and over 80 Internet Income lessons waiting for you, for FREE ($100s value). These lessons will be your most powerful tool, because you will learn how to start and develop your own business. Besides, SFI and our community (Affiliates are team-oriented) will provide you Support and help whenever you need. 

 What am I doing in SFI?


SFI  offers training of internet marketing and Affiliate has to read, understand and implement them at daily to-do activities. Those activities, but just in short, are:



  •  logging in every day and by doing some daily actions, collecting VP (VersaPoints) and learning more,
  •  promoting SFI's e-commerce website TripleClicks(any part of it that I like/want: one or more items, one or more ECA ---E-Commerce Associate--- stores, auction part, music,...) with tools SFI provides,
  •  enrolling new Affiliates in my team and "duplicating"...


Each of  the above is one of the income streams and there are some more (you have to join us and see :) ). So, you will NOT be successful if you JUST log in! You need to do hard but amusing work!